Who Are We?

Christian World Missions was established in 1971 as Cecil Williamson Ministry in Evangelism. Cecil’s passion had always been to bring the lost to Christ and he was burdened by the many people in local churches who really did not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He had served as a local pastor in the United Methodist Church for 18 years but increasing demand for him to preach revivals and community-wide crusades helped him to discern his call to a wider field of ministry. With a team of youth and music evangelists, Cecil began conducting as many as 40 revivals each year, all across the United States.

By the mid-seventies, the ministry had begun to reach out all over the world, working with indigenous church leaders in many different countries to hold evangelistic campaigns and provide training for Christian workers. The ministry’s mission to produce fruit that remains became the guiding force behind development of a church-planting program that has resulted in more than 1000 new churches in Africa, India, and the Philippines.

Cecil’s daughter, Lee Ann, worked with him from 1981-1983 as music and youth evangelist, before establishing a separate ministry, Grace and Gladness, in 1986. Her ministry was similar to her father’s, with its focus on local church renewal and reaching the lost around the world, but she was able to emphasize worship and women’s ministries, as well. Grace and Gladness also conducted international outreach ministries including establishing new churches, supporting orphanages, and focusing on lasting discipleship ministries.

As Cecil neared retirement and his ministry council realized  the need to plan for a future beyond his leadership, a new name for the ministry was chosen that would reflect the international scope – Christian World Missions. In 2009, Lee Ann returned to work with CWM and became Executive Director in 2011. The ministry continues its emphasis in local church renewal and international evangelism. A strong team of both lay and clergy evangelists leads the work around the world and in the United States.

We currently have international missions in Ghana, India, Nigeria, and Nepal.  Our ministry partners transition as they become self-sustaining and no longer rely on CWM for direct support. For example, we have previously partnered with ministries in Russia and the Philippines. However, the seed that God used CWM to plant, has grown to the point of no longer relying on our direct support.


Kotel’nikovo OUR VISION
Christian World Missions has been ordained by God to go and bring forth fruit that remains for the Kingdom of God (John 15:16)

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Caring, Witnessing, Making Disciples

St. Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words.” At Christian World Missions, we understand that sometimes the most effective way to introduce people to God’s love is through compassionate ministry to their personal and community needs.

We have mobile and permanent medical clinics to minister to the sick. we fund several food programs that provide either daily or weekly meals for hundreds, and we provide clothing and education for orphans and the destitute.

We also have vocational training programs for at risk young men and women, and through these, in addition to gaining skill to make a living, most of these students actually come to know Christ and return to their communities as strong witnesses to God’s love.   In 2013, we began teaching agricultural education programs to farmers in the villages where we are planting churches.

The primary purpose for all that we do is to introduce people to Christ. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” We believe that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the answer to every human need.

Through mass evangelism, personal evangelism, and acts of compassion, we reach out to a hurting world with the message of God’s love. With our partners around the world, we have seen tens of thousands come to know Christ. Entire communities have been transformed as, one-by-one, people open their hearts to God’s love.

Making Disciples
Jesus’ instruction to the disciples was to “produce fruit that remains, fruit that will last.” The fruit that he was talking about was people who had come to know Him and were staying with Him, not falling away when the trials and testings of life come.

CWM accomplishes this goal by establishing on-going relationships with indigenous leaders in each country. Together, we conduct a follow-up program that includes training for local pastor-evangelists, monthly salary for them for three years, and support to each local congregation. We even help to build a simple pavilion church for those congregations that continue to thrive and show that a meeting place would enhance their evangelism and discipleship efforts. We also have a Bible college in India and a pastor training program in Ghana and Nigeria.

Christian World Missions Video
Click the link above to view video.

This video focuses on the mission of Christian World Missions to care for the needs of the world, witness to Christ’s death and resurrection and make disciples.

(vimeo.com|By BroadcastMediaGroup)