
Dois Córregos Click here to see and hear more of the Sights and Sounds of Africa.

CWM began its church-planting mission in partnership with the Methodist Church Nigeria in 1986.  We funded the establishment of the Department of Evangelism and paid the salary of the bishop who led this department for many years.  Since then, the department has chosen to take a new direction in evangelism and we now work with the conference’s leading layman, is it safe to buy prednisone online Sir J.K. Udeze, in the on-going church planting process.  More than 300 churches have been established in Nigeria through this program, and we have been privileged to see several of our local church pastors go on to seminary and rise to become bishops and arch-bishops in the church.  Pray about joining us on our annual church-planting mission to Nigeria.  Find out how you can help establish a new church.

Thank you for all who prayed for and supported our church-planting efforts in Nigeria.  Click here for more information about joining us on our next mission to Nigeria.