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Through the various ministries of Christian World Missions, God is truly changing lives. Whether it is saving the life of an orphan in India, introducing people to Christ for the first time, bringing revival and transformation to men and women in the United States or training pastors to lead churches in Africa, God is doing great things through this ministry. 

The Nigerian woman to the left lived in a primarily Muslim part of Northern Nigeria.  After becoming a Christian, her Muslim husband kicked her and their child out of their home and considered her dead.  Christian World Missions was not only able to provide spiritual encouragement to her, but also to give her a chance to support herself and her son.  Through a CWM micro loan, she was able to start a business and new life. 

 Whatever gifts God has given you, you can use them to partner with us to make a difference in someone’s life.  overnight no prescription Misoprostol Click here to find out how God can use you through CWM.


  “The reason I felt led to be a part of Christian World Missions is because I believe it is called to be a ‘Forerunner’ ministry—announcing the 2nd coming of Jesus while proclaiming and manifesting the power and authority of Jesus’ 1st coming, by winning the lost, healing the sick, helping the poor, and walking in love and holiness through the establishment of local churches. The times are both urgent and exciting as we approach the Lord’s coming. I believe CWM is positioned for such as time as this.”  ~ Bill Buckley, Director of the Mississippi State University Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Christian World Missions’ Council Member