

Winter 2017




Alicante Summer 2016

Brittany Radford highlight, Opening the door of hope through Summer 2016prayer, Youth Community Explosion, Calendar of events, and more!






Summer 2016 Insert

attractively Summer 2016 Insert

Opening the door of hope through prayer.





2015 Christmas Letter Insert

2015 Christmas Letter

A year in pictures.







Summer 2015 InsertSummer 2015

Supplying the seed, Across the street..and Around the World, Asia 2015, Calendar of Events and more!






Newsletter InsertSpring 2014

2014 Capital Campaign, Miracle Maker movie, Africa mission, New Partner in Nepal, Mr. Bob Highlight, Africa 2014, Sabbath retreat, 2014 Capital Campaign, Calendar of events, and more!






Fall 2013Fall 2013

New book release, India mission 2013, Aldersgate Conference, Prayer ministry, Christmas Concert, Nathan Woodward, Radical book, Calendar of events, and more!






April 2013May 2013

Women’s retreat, Outreach Center, India 2013, Vacation Bible School, New Agricultural Program, Scheduling an event, Aldersgate conference, Calendar of events, and more!






January 2013

Holy Spirit Conference, Africa Mission 2013, Leadership Council, Christmas Concert, Ghuna Kumar, Calendar of Events, and more!






January 2013 Insert

Creative Community Ministry






  January 2013 Insert

Prayer Calendar for the Africa 2013 Mission





Winter 2012Winter 2012

Holy Spirit Conference, Africa Mission 2013, Leadership Council, Faithlift Women’s Conference, Ghuna Kumar, Calendar of events, and more!






Fall 2012


Africa Mission 2013, Christmas Concert, 2013 Holy Spirit Conference, The Potter’s Hand, New Resources, CWM Leadership Changes, Starkville Community Events and more




Fall Insert 2012


Overview of 2012 India Mission





Spring 2012


Pilgrimage to Israel, Intercession for Africa, FaithLift Recap, Upcoming India Mission and more




Spring Insert 2012


Overview of 2012 Africa Mission






Fall 2011

Holy Spirit Conference Preview, Partners in Ministry, Intercession for India, FaithLift Preview, and more







Fall 2011 Insert


Overview of Missions and Tours scheduled for 2012 including Africa Mission, India Mission and Pilgrimage to Israel





Spring 2011


Grand Celebration and Passing of the Mantel, Council Members, Harvest in India, Stateside Ministries, and more





Summer 2011 Insert


Overview of February 2011 Africa Mission